Tuesday, March 8, 2011

kiwipedia: gems from nz: volume 1

kiwipedia: gems from nz: volume 1

If you love Pavement, Superchunk, or the Velvet Underground, check out these gems from Dunedin and Auckland’s underground music scene! Borrowing the urgency and DIY attitude from punk, the motorik and repetition from krautrock, the blue-collar storytelling from folk, and the art-damaged, brooding anxiety from post-punk, bands such as the Clean and Toy Love invented a sound that became highly influential on the lo-fi melodies of the 90s. This is a collection of my favorites; a second volume might be in the works.

1. Toy Love - Don’t Catch Fire
2. The 3Ds - Hairs
3. The Chills - Pink Frost
4. Bored Games - Joe 90
5. The Bats - For the Ride
6. Tall Dwarfs - I’ve Left Memories Behind
7. The Clean - Point That Thing Somewhere Else
8. The Garbage and the Flowers - Catnip
9. Sneaky Feelings - Here’s to the Other Six
10. Headless Chickens - Do the Headless Chicken
11. The Max Block - Sonic Blur
12. Nocturnal Projections - Understanding
13. Goblin Mix - Venus Fleye Trap
14. Straitjacket Fits - She Speeds
15. Gordons - Sometimes
16.  Ballon D’essai - Artificial Romance
17. The Cake kitchen -  One + One = One
18. The Pin Group - Low Rider
19. The Great Unwashed - Boat With No Ocean
20. Trash - Good Times
